Tag Archives: Guns in parks

Our remarks from the “guns in parks” roundtable conversation

Hi, I’m Beth Joslin Roth and I’m the Policy Director for The Safe Tennessee Project. We’re a newly formed, nonprofit organization focused on addressing the gun violence epidemic in our state through outreach, awareness, and advocacy. We view gun violence as a public health issue. First, I’d like to thank Senator Harris and Representative Clemmons for convening this round table

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NRA uses Money and Intimidation in Tennessee to influence Legislative Votes

UPDATE: This is an update to a previous blog post. However, although it was originally published in 2015, the information is just as relevant today. “Guns in Trunks” was passed in 2013, a year after Maggart lost her primary. Since then, gun thefts from vehicles have skyrocketed across the state. Also, Memphis, where gun thefts went up 256 percent since

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A worthy watch…

The press asked a few simple questions about the guns in parks bill. Those questions were met with confusion, inaccurate responses, tense replies and accusations of bias. To some in our general assembly, asking questions is a sign of bias and not a necessary and welcome part of the democratic process.

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