On October 3, 2015, 8-year-old MaKayla Dyer and her sister were playing with their new puppy outside their mobile home when their 11-year-old neighbor called to them from inside his home, asking if he could play with the puppy. MaKayla refused, so the 11-year-old boy retrieved his father’s loaded shotgun, aimed it out the window and fired. MaKayla was struck
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Yesterday it was brought to our attention that these National Rifle Association flyers were being sent home with children in the Franklin Special Schools District. The flyer touts the NRA’s Eddie Eagle program that focuses on teaching kids what to do if they encounter a firearm. Rather than emphasize to adults the importance of responsible gun storage, the program puts
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Tennessee’s problem with kids and negligently-stored firearms is not getting any better. In fact, it’s getting worse. Our state led the entire nation for these shootings last year. According to data from the Children’s Firearm Safety Alliance (CFSA), an organization that tracks unintentional shootings involving children and unsecured firearms, in 2017, Tennessee led the entire nation in the number of
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On October 18th, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report…
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Over a two day period, two 4-year-olds in Memphis shot themselves with negligently stored firearms…
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