Youth Advocacy Board

Classrooms should be places for learning, not worrying about being shot.  Teens should be able to walk the streets of their neighborhoods without worrying about being shot.  Shootings are now the third leading cause of death for American children. 


We are launching a Youth Advocacy Board – an opportunity for young people to stand up, speak out, and demand that lawmakers take action to address the growing gun violence in our country – and in Tennessee.  The Board will be student-led and will be both an opportunity to learn about firearm policy as well how to use your voice to affect change.  ALL STUDENTS who care about the issue of gun violence prevention are welcome, whether you want to serve in a leadership role, or just want to be involved.

We’ll also be building a Parents Advisory Board that will provide guidance for the students.

Interested?  Visit the Safe Tenn Youth Advocates website or sign up here.

Remember, just because you may too young to vote today, YOUR VOICE STILL MATTERS!

And- IF YOU ARE 18 AND NOT YET REGISTERED TO VOTE – REGISTER!  You can register online right here!

#Enough #GunReformNow #StudentsStandUp