Tennessee Gun Permit Data

Tennessee is a shall-issue state.
“Shall-issue” refers to licensing standards that require state authorities to grant permits to carry firearms in public to any individual that meets a very minimum standard, such as passing a basic background check and completion of a basic firearms training class. “Shall-issue” is sometimes referred to as “right-to-carry” or RTC.

“May-issue” refers to licensing standards that gives law enforcement discretion over granting permits. Applicants are evaluated based on proof of their good character and their stated need to carry a gun in public.

Permit data provided by the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security. A summary of statistics on handgun permits from 2010 through 2019 can be found below table. Cause for suspension or revocation of handgun permits in the Tennessee Code (TCA 39-17-1352), can be found here.







133,736 31,147 2,326 1,792 1,001


189,674 37,981 2,616 1,906



218,536 38,394 2,882 1,803



180,525 71,938 2,652 1,997



138,323 55,829 3,292




131,506 46,042 1,659 1,257



192,613 83,309 1,489 1,501



114,031 52,379 574




94,975 42,151 552 896



102,879 41,044 329




1,363,553 469,067 16,045 13,297


Source: Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security

2019 Summary of Statistics

The State of Tennessee issued 133,736 handgun carry permits in 2019. Of these, 23.29% were originals, 48.27% were renewals, 13.45% were duplicates, 0.36% were free, and 14.64% were lifetime. The most active month was January with 16,828 handgun carry permits issued.

The State of Tennessee suspended 1,792 handgun carry permits, revoked 1,001 handgun carry permits, and denied 2,326 handgun carry permits in 2019.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (1,168), Davidson (412), Knox (402), Rutherford (230), and Montgomery (215).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37075 (Hendersonville, 1,459), 37042 (Sango, 1,436), 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 1,428), 37128 (Murfreesboro, 1,305), and 38002 (Arlington, 1,298).

2018 Summary of Statistics

The State of Tennessee issued 189,674 handgun carry permits in 2018. Of these, 20.02% were originals, 56.47% were renewals, 9.14% were duplicates, 0.33% were free, and 14.04% were lifetime. The most active month was March with 20,881 handgun carry permits issued.

The State of Tennessee suspended 1,906 handgun carry permits, revoked 931 handgun carry permits, and denied 2,616 handgun carry permits in 2018.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 2.19:1, with the age group of 51-55 the most populous for the combination of males and females.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (1,124), Knox (450), Davidson (432), Rutherford (290), and Hamilton (243).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 2,101), 37075 (Hendersonville, 2,007), 38401 (Columbia, 1,877), 37042 (Clarksville, 1,847), and 38002 (Arlington, 1,817).

2017 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 218,536 handgun carry permits in 2017. Of these, 17.57% were originals, 55.70% were renewals, 5.25% were duplicates, 0.37% were free, and 21.11% were lifetime. The most active month was March with 27,941 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 1,803 handgun carry permits, revoked 449 handgun carry permits, and denied 2,882 handgun carry permits in 2017.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 2.13:1, with the age group of 51-55 the most populous for the combination of males and females.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (942), Knox (444), Davidson (381), Rutherford (261), and Hamilton (245).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 2,508), 37075 (Hendersonville, 2,466), 38401 (Columbia, 2,263), 38305 (Jackson, 2,092), and 38017 (Piperton, 2,031).

2016 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 180,525 handgun carry permits in 2016. Of these, 39.85% were originals, 49.21% were renewals, 6.11% were duplicates, 2.89% were free, and 1.93% were lifetime. The most active month was September with 16,919 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 1,997 handgun carry permits, revoked 404 handgun carry permits, and denied 2,652 handgun carry permits in 2016.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 1.91:1, with the age group of 51-55 the most populous for the combination of males and females.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (1,085), Knox (409), Davidson (379), Rutherford (241), and Hamilton (212).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 2,088), 37075 (Hendersonville, 2,020), 38401 (Columbia, 1,832), 37042 (Clarksville, 1,732), and 38017 (Piperton, 1,705).

2015 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 138,323 handgun carry permits in 2015. Of these, 40.36% were originals, 50.92% were renewals, 6.47% were duplicates, 1.08% were free, and 1.17% were lifetime. The most active month was March with 14,503 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 2,076 handgun carry permits, revoked 291 handgun carry permits, and denied 3,292 handgun carry permits in 2015.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 2.2:1, with the age group of 51-55 the most populous for the combination of males and females.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (1,242), Davidson (506), Knox (386), Hamilton (260), and Rutherford (233).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37075 (Hendersonville, 1,781), 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 1,611), 38002 (Arlington, 1,527), 37042 (Clarksville, 1,525), and 38017 (Piperton, 1,483).

2014 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 131,506 handgun carry permits in 2014. Of these, 35.0% were originals, 57.7% were either renewals or reinstatements, 6.7% were duplicates, 0.6% were free, and less than 0.1% were new residents. The most active month was March, with 15,376 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 1,257 handgun carry permits, revoked 284 handgun carry permits, and denied 1,659 handgun carry permits in 2014.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 2.4:1 (93,021 to 38,485), with the age group of 51-55 years being the most populous for females, 51-55 the most populous for males, and 51-55 the most populous for the combination of males and females.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: Shelby (16,093), Davidson (8,279), Knox (8,115), Hamilton (5,598), and Rutherford (5,397).

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (554), Davidson (300), Knox (240), Rutherford (171), and Hamilton (134).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37042 (Clarksville, 1,438), 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 1,421), 37075 (Hendersonville, 1,328), 38017 (Collierville, 1,317), and 38002 (Arlington, 1,261).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: 37042 (Clarksville, 51), 37167 (Smyrna, 42), 37013 (Antioch, 40), 38305 (Jackson, 38), and 37128 (Murfreesboro, 36).

2013 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 192,613 handgun carry permits in 2013. Of these, 43.3% were originals, 52.2% were either renewals or reinstatements, 3.9% were duplicates, 0.6% were free, and 0.1% were new residents. The most active month was March, with 27,283 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 1,501 handgun carry permits, revoked 367 handgun carry permits, and denied 1,489 handgun carry permits in 2013.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 2.3:1 (133,780 to 58,833), with the age group of 46-50 years being the most populous for females, 56-60 the most populous for males, and 51-55 the most populous for the combination of males and females.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: Shelby (19,127), Knox (11,878), Davidson (11,220), Hamilton (9,002), and Rutherford (7,805).

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (544), Davidson (338), Knox (262), Rutherford (141), and Hamilton (132).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37075 (Hendersonville, 2,150), 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 2,075), 38305 (Jackson, 2,058), 38401 (Columbia, 2,009), and 38017 (Collierville, 1,784).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: 38305 (Jackson, 45), 37920 (Knoxville, 40), 37013 (Antioch, 39), 38401 (Columbia, 38), and 37066 (Gallatin, 35).

2012 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 114,031 handgun carry permits in 2012. Of these, 45.9% were originals, 46.9% were either renewals or reinstatements, 5.7% were duplicates, 0.8% were free, and 0.7% were new residents. The most active month was March, with 11,394 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 1,105 handgun carry permits, revoked 284 handgun carry permits, and denied 574 handgun carry permits in 2012.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 2.5:1 (81,677 to 32,354), with the age group of 46-50 years being the most populous for females and males.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: Shelby (13,860), Davidson (7,609), Knox (7,521), Hamilton (5,048), and Rutherford (4,830).

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (338), Davidson (204), Knox (117), Rutherford (108), and Hamilton (62).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37075 (Hendersonville, 1,263), 37042 (Clarksville, 1,175), 38002 (Arlington, 1,100), 38017 (Collierville, 1,091), and 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 1,075).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: 37042 (Clarksville, 34), 37013 (Antioch, 29), 38109 (Memphis, 25), 38127 (Memphis, 22), and 37211 (Nashville, 21).

2011 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 94,975 handgun carry permits in 2011. Of these, 44.4% were originals, 47.6% were either renewals or reinstatements, 6.5% were duplicates, 0.8% were free, and 0.8% were new residents. The most active month was March, with 11,334 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 896 handgun carry permits, revoked 97 handgun carry permits, and denied 552 handgun carry permits in 2011.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 3:1 (70,361 to 24,614), with the age group of 51-55 years being the most populous for females and males.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: Shelby (12,787), Davidson (6,307), Knox (6,253), Hamilton (4,324), and Rutherford (3,749).

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (319), Davidson (162), Knox (75), Rutherford (61), and Hamilton (56).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37075 (Hendersonville, 1,054), 38017 (Collierville, 1,018), 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 987), 38002 (Arlington, 894), and 37042 (Clarksville, 834).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: 37013 (Antioch, 23), 38125 (Memphis, 22), 38128 (Memphis, 22), 37211 (Nashville, 18), 38016 (Cordova, 18), and 38118 (Memphis, 18).

2010 Summary of Statistics

The state of Tennessee issued 102,879 handgun carry permits in 2010. Of these, 39.9% were originals, 51.5% were either renewals or reinstatements, 6.1% were duplicates, 1.8% were free, and 0.7% were new residents. The most active month was April, with 13,308 handgun carry permits issued.

The state of Tennessee suspended 756 handgun carry permits, revoked 108 handgun carry permits, and denied 329 handgun carry permits in 2010.

Handgun carry permits were issued to males at an approximate ratio of 3:1 (78,429 to 24,450), with the age group of 46-50 years being the most populous for females and males.

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: Shelby (13,610), Davidson (6,800), Knox (6,368), Hamilton (4,603), and Rutherford (3,826).

The counties with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: Shelby (220), Davidson (130), Knox (60), Hamilton (35), and Williamson (35).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits issued were: 37122 (Mt. Juliet, 1,067), 37075 (Hendersonville, 1,062), 38401 (Columbia, 1,009), 38017 (Collierville, 973), and 38002 (Arlington, 939).

The ZIP codes with the highest number of Tennessee handgun carry permits suspended, revoked, or denied were: 37013 (Antioch, 20), 38109 (Memphis, 17), 37211 (Nashville, 15), 38125 (Memphis, 15), 38002 (Arlington, 13), and 38127 (Memphis, 13). The average time it took to obtain an original Tennessee handgun carry permit was 23.57